Every day in the Wall Street Journal and other publications I am reading about President Obama's losing the hearts and minds of the American people who supported him. The articles use big words to describe Obama such as obsequious and comments about the maturity level of Mr. Obama as well as his support staff when confronted with major crisis such as the economy and Afghanistan and minor issues such as negativity from Fox News. And how does he deal with the Legislature in this country? Obama's phrase "We won and we can do what we want," is still ringing in the ears of those Independents that voted for him as they see mistakes one after another being made by a White House that is either on purpose or accidently trying to weaken the freedoms and rights of individual citizens in this country in the name of bigger government. Personally I think it is on purpose but not to worry, I don't think the current administration has the collective brains to do it. They underestimated the people of this country.
There have even been questions about whether the White House is attempting to turn this country far left and socialist on purpose. Of course they are. They gave a huge share in failing car companies to union members, they want 'universal' health care, giving the government huge amounts of power over our lives, they even have children in schools reporting to their teachers (strong union supporters of Obama) if their parents are overweight. And this little gem - teachers in an Illinois Junior High School are asking students to sign a confidentiality agreement that they won't tell their parents about a homosexualtiy lecture series that they are required to attend. I ain't making this up folks.
So here we had the federal government, who work for us supposedly, attempting to push the population towards socialism. But then something started happening, something that the socialists in the White House didn't expect: The country started pushing back. The ever-quiet Republicans found their collective voice and even Olympia Snow began voting Republican. Democrats that were centrist found their voices as it looked like they would be having a tough time with their re-election bids, especially after the major elections in New Jersey and Virginia gave political power to Republicans. People started throwing tea bags into Boston Harbor's arround the country, and the silent majority were beginning to roar.
Every day the administration does new stupid things, things that make even the ardent Obama supporters shake their heads - well maybe not the most ardent. The economy and Afghanistan and Iraq top the list of priorities of the people, but the lack of decisive leadership in any of these areas is hurting the administration, as well it should. Mr. President, tax and spend has never worked, and taking your time to make the right decision about war just makes you look weak in the eyes of our enemies, the people in this country and in the world.
And what about all this bowing and scraping, Mr. President?
On being introduced to the Queen of England in the 1800's a line of people were bowing respectfully and an American reached out and shook the Queen's gloved hand. Gasps of horror were heard around the room and the American said, "Your Majesty, my country fought two wars against yours so that I would have the liberty to shake your hand, and with all respect I do so." Obama has travelled the world bowing and scraping, ignoring friends and making friendships with, in some cases, some really bad guys. He has ignored all of the wars fought by this country in the name of liberty. Every time he bows to kiss a ring a few more of his supporters cringe and move beck toward the center politically. Thank you, Mr. President, for reminding the people of this country that our fathers and their fathers fought so that our leaders would stand strong with their friends and against their enemies.
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5 years ago
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