Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bush Leaguers

At a hearing Wednesday, House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, and Health Subcommittee chairman Frank Pallone, a New Jersey Democrat, called on baseball and its players to agree to bar major leaguers from using chew, dip or similar products during games.

Now one might ask just what does chewing tobacco have to do with energy and commerce? I guess you could say that baseball is a commercial enterprise, and you could also say that it is an inefficient use of energy for players to try to keep from sliding around on tobacco juice in the dugout. Now as to the health issues – last time I looked chewing tobacco was legal in this country, and whether a person chooses to chew tobacco or not is up to their own discretion.

So what is a true waste of time and energy and has no commercial value? A couple of ‘bush leaguers’ trying to make it into the majors!

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