Friday, September 10, 2010
This is Too Funny
Monday, September 6, 2010
Comparison of Reagan and Obama?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Just a Few More Thoughts on the Fairness Doctrine...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Did the Fairness Doctrine Ever Work?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Where do Americans get their “every day” news?
“Surely, we have evolved to the stage here in this century that we can understand some sort of balance, some sort of sense. To me it is a feeling that my country is spilling out hatred and lies on many, many of these stations (talk radio) to people who hear nothing but that, who never believe or hear any countervailing opinion ..” Louise Slaughter, Interview with Bill Moyers
Americans are more frequently getting their election news from cable news networks, morning TV shows, talk radio, NPR, the Internet and Comedy TV shows (Conservative Colbert Report and Liberal Daily Show, for example.). There has been a decline in accessing other sources of news, especially nightly network news, daily newspapers and news magazines. The Chart also shows that there are so many sources of information to Americans, that it leads one to believe that, as said by Adrian Cronauer, the Fairness Doctrine is a solution in search of a problem. Is having so many media outlets effecting our individual freedom, order or equality between individuals and groups in our society?
Some, such as Ms. Slaughter, might argue that there is unfair media bias slanting towards Conservative thought, but fairness is in the eye of the beholder. According to the polling, overall, about as many Americans now say news organizations are biased in favor of one of the two parties as say there is no bias in election coverage (39% vs. 38%). A much larger number of Democrats believe that coverage of the campaign (Presidential campaign of the year 2000) tilted in favor of Republicans. More than four in ten Republicans (42%) see news coverage of the campaign as biased in favor of the Democrats. There has also been a significant number of Independents that believe the election news is not free of bias.
Conclusions can be drawn from the polling results that, across the board, whether Conservative, Liberal, Independent, or specific age groups, or educational backgrounds, more than 50% of respondents to the survey believed that there was bias in the media. And each of the groups believed that the bias was toward opposing opinions from their own. More importantly would be the indication that Americans are going to all sources in the media for their news, and they are aware that it is necessary to sift through all of the information to find out what is really going on, or perhaps sift through to substantiate their preconceived ideas about a topic.
Radio has been accused of being the most biased, and influencing the most voters, according to Louise Slaughter and other supporters of the Fairness Doctrine. But as can be seen in the chart at the right, compared to the other sources of information, a very small percentage of voters get their campaign news from the radio. Democrats and Independents tend to look to newspapers and the mainstream nightly news stations for their campaign news.
Those rallying for the return of the Fairness Doctrine believe that what some consider politically incorrect speech must be “balanced” by law – which is to say, by the government. Others have a different opinion. In a discussion of the Fairness Doctrine, then Vice President of the United States Al Gore said, “The administration sees market forces replacing regulations and judicial models that are no longer appropriate. The administration’s goal is to provide the principles…one of those principles should be to trust in an overall market concept in the coverage of public issues with the obvious First Amendment advantages it provides.” In other words, a media outlet, in its efforts to bring in a larger audience, has the right to report the news the way their customers want to see it or hear it.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
They Said What?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What is the Fairness Doctrine?
Monday, April 26, 2010
And the Count Is.....
Will Rogers once said that he didn't need to write his comedy routines from scratch he just had to talk about what the government was currently doing.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Bush Leaguers
At a hearing Wednesday, House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, and Health Subcommittee chairman Frank Pallone, a New Jersey Democrat, called on baseball and its players to agree to bar major leaguers from using chew, dip or similar products during games.
Now one might ask just what does chewing tobacco have to do with energy and commerce? I guess you could say that baseball is a commercial enterprise, and you could also say that it is an inefficient use of energy for players to try to keep from sliding around on tobacco juice in the dugout. Now as to the health issues – last time I looked chewing tobacco was legal in this country, and whether a person chooses to chew tobacco or not is up to their own discretion.
So what is a true waste of time and energy and has no commercial value? A couple of ‘bush leaguers’ trying to make it into the majors!
Friday, April 16, 2010
“If everybody minded their own business the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.” The Queen, Alice in Wonderland
A group of what I am sure are well meaning environmentalist’s calls for a denial of special roadless rules in Colorado. The group is pushing President Obama to turn down Colorado Governor Bill Ritter’s request that would make exceptions to the enforcement of the rules for coal mines, ski areas and fire prevention projects near towns.
Sounds reasonable if these folks were living here in Colorado and experiencing Colorado but these folks are from South Carolina and their reasoning without ever having seen the millions of acres of forests in our State is: “What is at risk is the loss of what makes Colorado so special to the rest of the country.”
So South Carolinian's want Colorado to stay as pristine as they imagine it to be. Those evil coal companies and ski resorts – who needs them – certainly not those in South Carolina. And just what is their argument when it comes to fighting forest fires?
The South Carolinian’s are worried about 50,000 acres of ‘pristine’ forest here in Colorado that would be affected. As I sit here in Durango, at the edge of 2.2 million acres of the San Juan National Forest which sits within a state with 15 million acres of National Forest and an additional few million acres of designated Wilderness Areas I have to question South Carolina’s motives. Oh, that’s right, they are experts after all with their one National Forest – the Frances Marion and Sumter National Forest and its 629,000 acres – I guess 50,000 acres does seem like a lot to them when it comes right down to it.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Iceage Cometh
And in Local News….
2 glaciers have been reported missing from Glacier Park, Montana. News flash – they have been found in our backyard here in Durango where the snow is still on the ground in mid-April and the last snowfall was 2 days ago.
Back to the missing glaciers in the National Park: According to sources who believe such things the 2 missing glaciers are not really missing they are “below the 25 acre threshold of what REAL glacier's sizes should be", and the only reason for this phenomenon is……wait for it…..climate change! According to the ‘experts’ at the USGS glaciers in the park have been shrinking since the 1960’s. Yes, you can believe it folks! The Earth has been warming since the last ice age!!!
As for me I am just happy that we are not heading into another mini ice age – although you wouldn’t be able to tell that from the winter we have had here in D-town. Oh, just a minute! Another news flash: Volcanoes are erupting in Iceland and filling the skies with ash causing cancellation of airplane flights all over Europe and ash could seen as far away as the U.S. Could this be the dawn of a new ice age? We will keep you posted…
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Capitalism is Freedom and Anything Else is Socialism
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal by Frank Thomas (Conservatives and the Market for Alienation) took the stance that the true producers in this country were the blue collar workers and that larger government control over business was necessary.
According to Mr. Thomas workers wear blue collars and they are the true producers of goods and services in the United States. But do blue collar workers design the product, create accounting systems necessary to track costs for producing the product or to track sales of the product, decide where the product should be sold, decide what enhancements are necessary for the product to be more effective, or for that matter even where the product should be built?
Why do you think times are worse for blue-collar workers, Mr. Thomas? Could it be because businesses are trying to produce products at a lower cost and can do so by out-sourcing blue-collar work to foreign countries? Could it possibly be that prohibitive taxation by big government is causing this push? Could it be because Unions have a stranglehold on the companies that have not moved to right-to-work States? Mr. Thomas’ problem is he still lives in a perceived past that has Republicans as ‘evil fat cats’ sitting behind a big table in a board room with a bunch of other ‘evil fat cats’ trying to figure out how to take advantage of the workers in their company.
Mr. Thomas, take an Economics 101 class and figure out just who the producers in this country are. Businesses are trying to lower costs so that they will be able to sell more of their products to consumers, and in doing so their company is more profitable and they can spend some of those profits on research and development. They can also share those profits with stockholders in their company, which brings in more stockholders. Wall Street is not evil. Big business is not evil. Big government is evil.
In this country now there are loud voices in support of an expanded role for government. These are policies that have failed time and again; policies that lessen the capacity for human fulfillment and well-being; policies that put individuals in subservience to the state; policies that leech away our inalienable right to be free to choose. The Tea Party protesters are pushing back against those loud voices – we should not be taken lightly.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Media Gets it Wrong Again: So What Else is New?
Presidents have no idea of what they are really getting when they nominate who they think will be a conservative or liberal as President Obama must be realizing right about now with Sotomayor voting with Chief Justice Roberts on numerous occasions, and in one case wrote an concurring opinion with him. Another example of a Justice nomination that didn't quite go as planned was Ronald Reagan's nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor - who turned out to vote very liberally on numerous issues but still fell within the 75% 9-0 unanimous decisions of the past 50 years.
The media has portrayed the Justices as an 'us-against-them' mentality when it just isn't there. Just as the Ginsberg and Scalia families who have been best friends for decades.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Islamic Fundamentalism
2. Transparent
3. Czar
4. Tweet
5. App
6. Teachable Moment
7. In these economic times
8. Stimulus
9. Toxic Assets
10. Too big to fail
These are some of the words that Lake Superior University in Michigan chose as words to be banned from now on due to overuse and incorrect usage. The students come up with this list every year and it is fun and does not mean anything more than it is - some young people coming up with words that they are sick of hearing. They do not propose that the words actually be banned.
This week the President of the United States, who promised to protect and defend the Constitution, decided that free speech had its limitations when it came to the terms 'Islamic Fundamentlism' and 'Islamic Radicalism.' He has banned them - banned as in never hearing or reading them in the media or from his office staff. Now I do not know how he plans on enforcing this, but as an ex professor of Political Science he should know better. Both phases have been used historically in Universities, at the United Nations, in the media...basically everywhere to explain the difference between Arab Nationalism and Islamic Fundamentalism.
As a former student of Political Science one of my favorite series of lectures was an attempt to explain the thinking among the Arab community with regards to the Qu'ran and Sharia's Law. The series of lectures was given by a Professor from the Middle East. Basically he said there were two types of interpretations throughout the Muslim world of the Qu'ran and Shariah's Law. Depending on how a person did the interpretation they fell into the category of an Arab Nationalist or an Islamic Fundamentalist.
What is the difference between Arab Nationalism and Islamic Fundamentalism? Based on the lectures a very simple explanation is: Arab Nationalism is a celebration of the glories of the Arab civilization, the language and literature of the Arabs, and calling for rejuvenation and political union in the Arab world. At the core of the ideology is bringing certain Western concepts into the Arab world - Modernity, Progress and Socialism. The term Arab is chosen by the Nationalists to replace the word Islamic to separate them from the more radical fundamentalists.
One of the most defining characteristics of Islamic fundamentalism is the belief in the re-opening of the gates of Ijihad. Fundamentalists are not interested in Modernity, Progress and Socialism, and not interested in associating with non-Muslims. Fundamentalists hold that the problems of the world stem from secular influences and that the path to peace and justice lies in a return to the original message of Islam with a rejection of religious innovation. Finally, any Muslim that does not follow the Fundamentalist's interpretation of the Qu'ran or Sharia's Law should be killed, and it should should be considered justified and not considered to be a crime.
I should clarify that these interpretations are mine and based on lectures that impressed me so much I still think of them whenever I hear the words Islamic Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals. If the President of the United States chooses not to hear those words, for whatever reason, that is certainly his right - a right guaranteed to him in the Constitution. If he tries to prevent others from hearing those words then his oath of office to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution' has been violated.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
No Need for Macho Guys if you have a Single Payer Health Care System
Here is an exerpt written up in the Proceedings for the Royal Society: Biological Sciences found.
“To a person unfamiliar with the field of evolutionary psychology, this may sound a little far-fetched. How is it even possible to link a woman's masculinity preferences to the health of her nation? The answer begins with the theory of sexual selection. It goes that women are the choosier sex because they take on most of the risk and burden of reproduction and child rearing. While a man can sleep around with 100 women in a year's time and have 100 kids, a woman who sleeps with 100 men in a year will only have one baby (barring multiples). She has more at stake in each pregnancy. Therefore, it is in her best interest to at least choose a high-quality mate. And one of the hallmarks of a quality male is good health.”
The article also goes on to say that the U.S. health care system ranks 20th out of the 30 countries looked at, and in the study’s estimate the U.S. is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world. And I quote the article, “After all this is the country of James Dean and Clint Eastwood.”
So in a nutshell if you have a single payer health care system in your country you like wimpy guys because you do not need to have some cave man type protect you from a Laissez Faire health care system.
I wrote a response to the Wall Street Journal article:
A recent Variety article asked the question, "Where did America's tough guys go?" It goes on: “Not so long ago Hollywood’s male stars were men’s men. Think John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart and Steve McQueen..
And Variety continues…
"These days, studios are hard-pressed to find home-grown traditional male leads to carry their pictures. Their star rosters include countless boy-men who, even after they turn 40, are less than credible macho movie actors.” If box office is an indicator, with a random sampling of millions, then it is the European countries with their current health care system sending strong, handsome macho actors to Hollywood to replace the tough, macho leading men of the past.
My conclusion: Women do not want just a male in good health. Natural selection has shown that the most beautiful feathers, loudest roar, and most importantly the guy most capable of hunting and gathering and fighting are what women have wanted since cave men and women first went into the light. I know, I know, in this age of enlightenment for women we hunt and gather right along with the men, as well we should, but it doesn’t change any of the dynamics. The conclusion of the Royal Society article should have been that single payor health care goes along with living in a society that will take care of ‘their people’ from cradle to grave, and it doesn’t matter how macho the guys in the country are. No hunting and gathering necessary. Just the highest alcoholism rates in the world.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Obama v. Israel
The excerpts below are from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz and can be read in its entirety at The comments are even more of a puzzlement. Again the media in Israel is left-leaning in the political spectrum and anti-Netanyahu even in the face of more aggressive Arab actions towards Israel after what looked to the Arab world like a U.S. President taking an anti-Israel foreign policy position.
Haaretz writes:
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his senior partner Ehud Barak returned from Washington yesterday, leaving behind a deep crisis with the world's most powerful country and Israel's greatest friend. U.S. President Barack Obama asked that Netanyahu give him unequivocal answers to his administration's demands, in order to begin indirect talks and advance the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. The demands include a complete freeze on settlement construction, including in East Jerusalem.”
Haaretz then shows their political stance:
“The choice here is between continued construction in East Jerusalem during the negotiations and Israel's future as a secure, democratic and Jewish state. A deterioration in relations with the U.S. administration is taking place at the peak of international efforts to block Iran and strengthen the axis of moderate Arab states. In the unnecessary fight with the United States, an essential ally for Israel, the Netanyahu government is showing itself to be the most extremist and dangerous in the country's history.”
An “unnecessary fight with the United States”? Netanyahu is the bad guy?
Obama has traveled to Saudi Arabia and kissed the hand of a Saudi Prince, but he hasn’t taken the time to visit Israel, the only friend of the U.S. in the Middle East. Now he has insulted the Prime Minister of Israel by not even extending his hand to Netanyahu either in greeting or in farewell. He certainly didn’t bow and kiss the Prime Minister’s hand, and actually cut off their meeting so that Obama could go have dinner – not even inviting Netanyahu to break bread. Netanyahu was allowed to leave through the front door of the White House this visit, though, which is better than leaving out the back door by way of the trash cans as he did after the last visit. At the White House there were no questions with the press, no photos of smiling faces, no State dinners, none of the pomp that took place with all of the Arab leaders that visited President Obama.
Perhaps this is what Obama meant when he pledged last June in Cairo that his administration would mean “a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world.” Perhaps the President hasn't seen the shouts of "death to Americans" being chanted around the Muslim world by Islamic fundamentalists.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
U.S. v. Lopez and Health Care
Second, Congress is empowered to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or persons or things in Interstate Commerce, even though the threat may come only from intrastate activities;
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
11%, 8%, and 78%
11% and 8%.
It is worth putting the above percentages by themselves in an incomplete sentence to highlight the numbers. These are the current approval ratings for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid respectively. These numbers come from CBS News, definitely not ideologically right-leaning news organization.
Another day and two new polls showing the American people are strongly against the health care plan President Obama signed into law. According to CNN, 59% of Americans oppose President Obama's plan. And according to CBS News, 48% of Americans oppose the plan (with 33% in strong opposition) compared to only 37% who support it (with only 13% in strong support). Digging deeper into the CBS poll, we find that 76% of Americans disapprove of how Congress is handling its job on health care, 46% think Congress has spent too much time on health care, and 49% believe the rules and procedures used in Congress to get the current health care bill passed have been mostly unfair.
That is the percentage of Americans polled that think ALL members of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate should be replaced. It will be an interesting election in November.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The 'Evil' Makers of Cheerios
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thank You, Mr. President
Nowhere in the Constitution are you given the right to speak longer than anyone else in the room just because you are President. Nowhere in the Constitution are you given rights that put you and the government above the wishes of the majority of the people of the United States. Just who do you think you are? Nothing more than some politico that was elected at a time when people were looking for some change from George Bush, and you promised that change. But what are we seeing from you? The arrogance of someone who actually believes that he is superior to those around him, and worse yet, thinks he knows what is best for those around him and for the country at large. You are wrong!
Mr. President, you do not have any rights above anyone else in this country, whether politicians of an opposing Party or the taxi driver in New York or the businessman in Texas or the baker in San Francisco. Just where in the Constitution is it written that the President can write law? It sickens me to see the blatant abuse of what Mr. Obama perceives as his rights to dictate to the attendees of the meeting. Mr. Obama, these people represent us, the people of this great country, and they are your equals under the law, and all of you work for us. We are the boss of the show, not you. Your job is to sign Bills that Congress creates, and if there was a line item veto available to you and you changed any part of the Bill both the House and Senate would have to approve your changes. It is called checks and balances to prevent this country from becoming a dictatorship.
Mr. President, when you interrupted Representative Cantor, who was holding up the huge monstrosity of a Bill and talking about specific concerns of his constituents, and told him it was nice he brought props to the meeting but props are not helpful, I had to laugh out loud. The Bill is a prop? Perhaps to you it is but not to the majority of concerned taxpayers in this country and their children and grandchildren.
The final question that I have to ask is why are you not addressing the economic situation in this country, something that the majority of the people in this country are concerned about? The longer you postpone addressing this issue and continue along the path of forcing a health care bill on all of us the less likely you are to be re-elected. This holds true for the other members of Congress as well. What are you all thinking? Are you all really so immersed in your Socialist values that you will do anything, including hinder your own careers, to have universal health care?
On the other hand perhaps it is for the best for the economy if you do not try to ‘fix’ things the way you have at General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The economy will roll along gradually fixing itself without ‘stimulus’ funds, and the companies that are solvent will survive and the ones that are not will go under. That is the way of healthy economies….
So I guess a thank you is in order to you, Mr. President, for staying out of the way when it comes to the important stuff!
And in the same vein a special mention has to be made to Senator Barbara Boxer, who was talking to a group of Senators and referred to We the People as, and I quote, “Our people.” She also needs to read the Constitution and see just who runs the show in the United States. Since she is down in the polls for re-election I would say she should read the Constitution a couple of times.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
As the Olympics Wind Down
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Prediction
I didn't have long to wait - it was announced this afternoon on ABC News that the U.S. government regulatory group that keeps track of public safety will be investigating suppliers to Ford, Nissan, and Honda. No mention investigating General Motors and Chrysler.
Who Says Politicians Aren't Rational?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Can you Distinguish Between Ordinary People and Fat Cats
Mary Jones wants to build a microchip manufacturing plant in Pleasantville, Illinois. She is planning on hiring 300 employees, mostly white collar engineers and blue collar technicians. Most of the employees are married with husbands and wives who will be looking for employment in the area, and many have children that will attend school in the area. They will need housing, schools, banks, doctors, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, cell phones, electric lights, clothing stores, car dealerships, and access to the internet and radio and TV stations. Teachers will be employed at the schools, along with administrative personnel and cafeteria workers. Doctors will move into the area and hire nurses and office workers. The grocery stores will hire managers and clerks and butchers and bakers. The restaurants will hire cooks and waitresses, and the clothing stores will hire clerks and managers. If enough stores are needed by Mary’s employees then a Mall might appear, with movie theaters and food courts.
The residents of Pleasantville move into apartments or start looking for their dream homes, going to realtors such as Remax and Century 21 which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The baker goes to the car dealership to purchase a van to transport baked goods, a dealer in Ford products which is also listed on the NYSE. Trucks from out of town bring in everything from gasoline to french fries, representing companies such as Knight Transportation, also traded on the NYSE. Trains stop and bring fruits and vegetables from California and Mexico and cars from Tennessee and Japan and office supplies and books and car parts and furniture: Companies such as the Burlington Northern Railroad Company, also traded on the NYSE.
Century 21 and Ford and Knight Transportation and the Burlington Northern Railroad are all companies whose boards of directors and shareholders are considered “fat cats” by President Obama. What the President does not understand is that these shareholders are school teachers, businessmen, doctors, pilots, and factory workers. More than 60% of the population of this country owns stock in companies that are publicly traded on Wall Street – are they all “fat cats?”
My question to you, Mr. President, is just who are the “ordinary people” that you are looking out for? You have said, “Democrats work for the little guys on Main Street while Republicans do the bidding of Wall Street.” You just do not understand – it is all tied together! You cannot distinguish between the person eating at McDonalds with the persons working behind the counter at McDonalds with the stockholders of the Wall Street firm and the McDonald’s board of directors. Put excessive controls on Wall Street, which usually equates to higher taxes, and you ultimately hurt the “ordinary people” eating in a fast food restaurant, or buying homes, or going to the doctor, or riding a train, or buying a new cell phone.
But let us finish looking at Mary and her microchip manufacturing plant. Mary goes to the local branch of a Wall Street “fat cat” bank for a loan to start up her company. Unable to compete in the banking industry with the government controls in place the bank cannot make the loan that Mary needs. Mary goes elsewhere to start her company and Pleasantville remains in a state of stagnation or the population begins to decline as people move on to areas where they can find work. Mary might even end up receiving that loan from China and starting her business there.
The Preamble to the Constitution
This is a Preamble to the Constitution, it is an introduction - not law. When people say that promoting general welfare is written in the Constitution it is not.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
In Response to Peggy Noonan
To Senator Mark Bennett (D-Colorado)
We will be glad to give aid to the Haitians when you extend the Bush tax cuts and permanently do away with death taxes. Until then we don't have the money to give any more than we already do. And finally, if you think the voters of Massachusetts were angry just wait until you see how we feel here in Colorado. You might want to start sprucing up that resume for when you join the ranks of the unemployed in 2011.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Concise reporting
According to NPR it is George W. Bush's fault.
Advice to President Obama and the liberal press: Move On!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What are Biden-ism's
Ms. Coakley, in an interview on ‘Nightside with Dan Rea’ in Boston, said that Scott Brown had the support of Rudy Guliani who is a Yankee fan and ALSO has the support of another Yankee fan, Curt Schilling. This seemed really important to point out by Coakley for some reason. Mr. Rea then tried to remind Coakley that Schilling was a pitcher for the RED SOX and pitched the bloody sock game – pitching a great game while the sutures on his ankle were separating causing his sock to fill with blood. It led to a seventh game of the 2004 series and the win by the Red Sox - breaking the supposed Babe Ruth curse. Curt Schilling has since said that in his entire career he has never been a Yankees fan and he is going to vote for Scott Brown.
So Ms. Coakley is not concerned with health care or the economy – she doesn’t like pickup trucks and doesn’t follow the Red Sox. But not wanting to leave hockey fans out Ms. Coakley said that she thought it was silly to stand out in the cold and rain at Fenway Park along with her opponent Scott Brown to shake hands with hockey fans during the recent outdoor game, saying in essence that all of the Fenway fans together were not as important to her election as two Washington insiders she was meeting with that same evening.
The aforementioned are all silly, sometimes stupid things to say (one might even call them Biden-isms) on the part of Ms. Coakley. But she isn’t the only person that has the capacity to speak before thinking. Please keep in mind that Coakley and Brown are running for the Senate seat vacated by Ted Kennedy: Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, CHAIRMAN of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said, and I am not kidding here, “Why would you hand the keys to the car back to the same guys whose policies drove the economy into the ditch and then walked away from the scene of the accident?” Somehow I do not think we will be hearing much from Mr. Van Hollen in the future.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Blame Game
There is one small detail that the media is leaving out in stating that Bush delayed too long before going into Louisiana and particularly New Orleans – the Federal Government is not allowed to enter a disaster area within a State of these United States unless they are invited by the government of that State – and they were not. Then Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana refused assistance from the Feds for days, stating that Louisiana’s National Guard would be able to handle the situation.
When looking into this I ran across numerous websites that said Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency on the 25th of August and requested troop assistance from the Pentagon on that day. The hurricane did not reach landfall until the 29th of August. It is another case of ‘say anything’, true or not, and someone will believe it especially if it fits into the mantra of a political party.
The destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina raised other issues about emergency management. This prompted a Congressional investigation, which found that FEMA and the Red Cross "did not have a logistics capacity sophisticated enough to fully support the massive number of Gulf coast victims." Additionally, it placed responsibility for the disaster on all three levels of government.
The Power of We, the People
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
First Harry Reid and Now the Denver School District
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
NPR Endorses new Candidate for 2012
This morning NPR did two ‘stories’ back to back; the first was about Sarah Palin. According to NPR her only claim to fame is running unsuccessfully for Vice President and writing one book.
The second ‘story’ was about that darling of Hollywood, that intellectual giant - Ryan Seacrest - who works tirelessly 36 hours a day 9 days a week. NPR glowed about how well he introduces people. He introduces Hollywood stars at the Golden Globe Awards, the talented and un on American Idol, and lets not forget the way he introduces oldies but goodies on his radio show.
Does this mean NPR feels Obama is a one term President? Or does NPR think Ryan can win the Democrat nomination over Obama? Oh, wait a minute! What? Do they know? Someone might want to tell them that Ryan just might not want to be a Democrat presidential candidate – unless he changes parties – being a big supporter of, dare I say the name aloud, George W. Bush.
So NPR you will just have to spend more tax dollars in trying to find an Obama alternative to keep Sarah and her Conservative ideas out of Washington, D.C. political life. After all, all she knows how to do is to run for office and write books.
p.s. As a recommendation, NPR, you might want to keep you thoughts to yourselves on what are good job qualifications for holding the office of President of the United States. President Obama might take exception since he has less elective office experience than Sarah...but he has written more books.