Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Obama's Secret Stash

Hold On To Your Wallets the Senate is Going to Vote

"I don't know if there is a Senator that doesn't have something in this bill that was important to them," Mr. Reid said, "And if they don't have something in it important to them, then it doesn't speak well of them."

That just has to be the second best quote of the year. Of course the best quote was Nancy Pelosi’s comment that the country should migrate away from those evil fossil fuels like oil and in to natural gas. This person is two heartbeats away from the Presidency and she doesn’t know that natural gas is a fossil fuel. OK I was going to be nice but the comment is soooo idiotic I am going to rephrase my remark, and I will quote me, “…she is too stupid to know that natural gas is a fossil fuel.”

Anyway, back to Harry. He has made deals with all of the democrats in the senate (and they don’t deserve to be capitalized in every sense of the word) so that our tax dollars are being spent on earmarks. Just what is an earmark?

According to an online dictionary it is – ‘To reserve or set aside for a particular purpose.’ See Synonyms at APPROPRIATE. What does appropriate mean? To take for the common good. To take exclusive posession of.

The government of the United States is appropriating our hard earned dollars, and not just the dollars of the ‘evil rich,’ but everyone’s dollars. Here are a few samples of what we are going to be paying for –

Florida - $3 billion to $5 billion to keep Florida residents from losing Medicare Advantage benefits while the rest of us do, Connecticutt (and let us not forget that Chris Dodd and his shenanigans with Freddie and Fanny helped to bring us to this recession) - $100,000 for the Univ of Conn Medical Center, Louisianna $300,000 to support Medicaid susidies to help in the recovery from Katrina, Massachusetts and Vermont $300 and $500 million respectively to go into Medicaid subsidies, Michigan exempt from Blue Cross fees, Michigan and Connecticutt reimbursements for certain hospitals, Montana, North and South Dakota and Wyoming receive higher Medicare reimbursements because, and get this, it is still has ‘frontier’ hospitals and doctors, Montana (remember this is Bauckus’ state) extra money for individuals in Libby who suffer from asbestos poisoning, Nebraska – and Nelson is not going to be re-elected in my opinion – $100 million to pay for Blue Cross of Mutual of Omaha fees and 100% payment for new Medicaid coverage, and Vermont for $100,000 for community health care facilities. THIS IS ALL ABOVE AND BEYOND WHAT THE HEALTH CARE BILL IS GOING TO PROVIDE EVERYONE!

In a recent interview a woman was asked what Obama was going to do for her. She said that he was going to reach into his secret stash and give her money to help her out. Get your wallets out, folks, or as some like to say,…”Obama’s secret stash.”

Monday, December 14, 2009


I was reading the Wall Street Journal yesterday and I was amazed at an article that was written by someone who believed Tiger Woods had done something terrible to him personally. The writer wondered what made Tiger do what he did outside the golf course, with endless speculation, and the strategies that Tiger's agent and manager and attorneys have created to keep the scandal to a minimum. I tend to skim articles like that, but the final sentence is what prompted me to write not one but two responses to the Journal's Opinion page. The second one is what I wanted to include in my blog today.

The writer of this article stated at the end of this piece:

"But at least I wasn't the only fool to be fooled. If Mr. Woods wants us back, he has a lot of work to do."

And my response:

Frankly if Tiger Woods decides to play in a golf tournament tomorrow I will be at the TV watching, cheering him on. He doesn't owe me anything. I enjoy his skill as a golfer. Simple. If the author thinks he is foolish that is his business as long as he doesn’t make sweeping statements that supposedly include me.

I for one do not want Tiger to have to 'work' to have me back as a fan, just playing golf will do that.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


It is time for the legislative branch of our government to take a vacation. Stop working so hard! You want to give us health care, you want to give us compact fluorescent lights, you want to give us free housing, you want to give us free computers, and you want to give us all “security and stability.”

STOP! You aren’t giving us anything. Giving means a gift. You don’t ask the person you are giving the gift to, to pay you for the gift. You don’t give a gift and then say, “Can’t pay now? That’s OK, we will bill you later or your children and grandchildren, oh and by the way we will also bill your next door neighbor, the small businessman down the street, and your Aunt Tilly.” The Federal Government, the gift that keeps on giving.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Get Out the Fur coats, Global Cooling is Coming!

Hubbard Glacier, the largest calving glacier on the North American Continent (25 percent larger than Rhode Island), advanced across the entrance to 35-mile-long Russell Fiord during June 2002, temporarily turning it into a lake. Hubbard Glacier has been advancing for more than 100 years and has twice closed the entrance to Russell Fiord during the last 16 years by squeezing and pushing submarine glacial sediments across the mouth of the fiord. Water flowing into the cutoff fiord from mountain streams and glacier melt causes the level of Russell Lake to rise.
The glacier is located in Alaska and is 25% larger than Rhode Island. It is defying the global paradigm of valley or mountain glacier shrinkage and retreat in response to global climate warming. Hubbard Glacier is the largest of eight calving glaciers in Alaska that are currently increasing in total mass and advancing. All of these glaciers calve into the sea, are at the heads of long fiords, and have undergone retreats during the last 1,000 years. The large calving glaciers that are currently advancing have not been in sync with climate-driven glacier changes (for example glaciers on Mt. Kilimanjaro) for a very long time. The glaciers that are currently growing and advancing in the face of global warming were retreating throughout the Little Ice Age (AD1350 or 1450 to AD1900) when most glaciers were growing.
The idea that man is so all-powerful that we can modify the natural course of fluctuations in the Earth's geo-mechanisms is not science; it could even be considered a form of religion. The idea that earth should remain as it was in some past paradise, and that we mortals can somehow keep it as such, is just not reasonable.
Why was there a little ice age in AD1350 or 1450 to AD1900? Were people causing the global cooling the a few decades back the ‘environmentalists’ were warning us about? There are natural climatic fluctuations that cause warmer temperatures. A certain percentage of recent global warming is due to long-term natural fluctuations, including effects of the sun. Volcanoes can also cause short-term cooling, but a lack of volcanism can result in warmer temperatures. From about 1400 to 1880, the Little Ice Age occurred when practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding. At times people could ice skate on the Thames River in London, whereas that is unthinkable today. The Little Ice Age was likely caused by the combination of slightly less energy from the sun and more volcanism, both of which allow the surface of the earth to cool.

The mechanisms driving natural climate variations are too poorly understood to be included accurately in computer climate models. Hence, the models risk overstating human influences.
Further evidence that natural fluctuations are significant is that during the early and mid-1970s, a cooling trend increased the amount of sea ice. This happened at a time when the buildup of carbon dioxide should have caused global warming. Has the next ice age already begun?
Get out the fur coats, global cooling is coming!

Monday, December 7, 2009

A "Sleeping Giant"

December 7, 1941 began as a serene morning at the U.S. Naval base on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The warships of America's Pacific Fleet rested at anchor. Many sailors were preparing for church or relaxing, and all was quiet at Pearl Harbor.

At about 7:35 AM a buzz from the sky broke the calm as a dive-bomber bearing the red symbol of the Rising Sun of Japan dropped out of the clouds. Seconds later a swarm of Japanese warplanes followed. Sirens wailed as explosions sounded across the harbor and black smoke poured into the sky. Despite the heroism of men fighting for their ships, their fellow sailors, and their lives 2,400 died, 1,200 were wounded and 18 ships of the U.S. Navy and 300 planes were destroyed or damaged.

A remark attributed to Japanese admiral Yamamoto, who planned the attack, was, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in him a terrible resolve."

On this day let us reflect on our American "resolve" to protect and defend the freedoms that so many in our military have fought and died for. Thank you all for your service.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

An Open Letter to Chris Matthews of Entertainment Show Called Hardball

This letter was sent to Mr. Matthews:

How could you possibly feel that the young men and women of West Point, an institution that has graduated some of the bravest men and women in the history of our country, is an "enemy camp" to the President of the United States or to any citizen of this country?

Shame on you. My husband and I have a son in the Marines and he is training and fighting to protect you and others in this country. Who are you going to call on to save you if enemies gather at the gates?

You owe the military an apology. People that serve and protect do so for very little pay or recognition.

We won't be watching NBC shows any more, and a copy of this note is going to the new owners of NBC, whoever they may be. Perhaps they will keep stupid people like you from making stupid comments - oh, just a minute, the military has fought for your right to say what you want in countless wars around the world.

Proud Military Parents Susan and Robert Fedelchak