Gee and here I thought Conservatism was dead. Just goes to show ya...
Perhaps the reason that the Democrats are so disjointed is because they know that if they 'tell it like it is' to the citizens of this country regarding health care they would be in even more trouble than they are now? Perhaps they realize that having Obama on TV every day and saying the same 'nothing' is getting tiresome even for the most loyal of Democrats? Perhaps the idea that the President and Congress would be on a different health care plan than whatever Congress comes up with for the rest of us might be a reason that the general public are angry?
You left out the most important reason for the disgruntled citizens of this country, whether Republicans or Democrats, and it doesn't have anything to do with Limbaugh or Beck. The people in the White House don't realize that the people outside the beltway are not stupid and shouldn't be taken for granted. WE DON’T WANT TO BE PUSHED AROUND OR TOLD WHAT TO DO OR HOW TO LIVE! Obama said the he won the election so he can do what he wants. That is hogwash and we know it. That is not how this country works and the more the President stomps up and down like a spoiled child to try to get his way on health care the more opposition he will see. The country does not work that way. Checks and balances don’t work that way. And the Constitution was definitely not designed to work that way.
The folks up for re-election next year had better check their poll numbers and realize that this isn't Canada, or Britain, or Cuba, or Venezuela. This is the United States of America.
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said:
“Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficial…The greater dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”
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5 years ago
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