Friday, May 15, 2009

Who Else Saw This Coming?

On January 22, 2009 there was a news conference with the newly sworn in President Obama and the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. If one looks closely at video or pictures of the conference there is a decided strain on Mr. Obama's face as Ms. Pelosi discusses the future, their working together, and items on her list of things to do. Body language suggests that Ms. Pelosi felt that she would be taking the President by the hand and leading the Democrat agenda. At the time I told my husband that there would be a tug of war between the two of them for control of the Democrat agenda, and in my opinion Ms. Pelosi would not be the one on the winning side. I knew, even then, that she would not make it through the President's first term as Speaker and that something would happen. It sure looks like it has, and stupidly enough it is nothing illegal, it is Ms. Pelosi caught in a lie. The White House has remained behind the scenes in this 'scandal' but it has sent out Leon Panetta and others to stir up the water. The lady REALLY misunderstood what her role would be with an Obama administration and I think it is just dawning on her now.

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