Friday, September 10, 2010

This is Too Funny

This is a response from National Public Radio to my letter written to them regarding Cokie Roberts comparing Ronald Reagan to Obama (2 blogs previously at this site) . To refresh memories it was a few paragraphs to NPR at one point commenting that comparing Obama to Jimmy Carter would have been more realistic. This is what NPR replied:

Dear Susan,

Thank you for contacting NPR.
We appreciate your making us aware of this problem. After conducting a minor repair, we were able to correct the issue. Please let us know if your problems persist, as it should now function properly.

We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank you for listening, and for your continued support of public broadcasting. For the latest news and information, visit
NPR Services

My question is: What did they do to Cokie Roberts?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Comparison of Reagan and Obama?

A Letter to National Public Radio:

This has to be the strangest comparison I have heard of. Perhaps if Cokie Roberts had compared their abilities to speak to an audience and fire them up I would agree, but to try, in any way, to discuss their similarities when it comes to economic policies or their attitude towards the country is wrong.

First, Reagan gave speeches on how great the country was and kept pushing the idea that small government was the key to business in this country continuing to expand. Smaller government, to Reagan, meant more freedom for the people of the United States - and he said so over and over again.

Obama has been the polar opposite, continually talking down what has made America great and promoting a much larger, expansive government. In the process the unemployment numbers have remained high because businesses do not know what new tax or regulation the Obama administration - and Congress - are going to hit them with.

The idea that President Obama believes that government taking more of our tax dollars and the only way to make businesses hire more people is to give them those tax dollars is not Reagonomics or Clintonomics or Kennedynomics.

How about a comparison of Obama and Jimmy Carter? That is closer to reality.