While watching the health care summit I was angered by the fact that the President of these United States, a man with a political science background and professor in the subject, would call a meeting for the express purpose of trying to embarrass the Republican members of Congress, interrupting them continuously, making jokes at their expense, and generally behaving as a ‘dictator’, not as an equal. I have a question: Mr. Obama, just where in the Constitution, the law of our land, does it say that the President can ‘dictate’ to the Senators and Representatives? You are equal partners, and not wanting to sound too over-simplistic, here is what the Constitution says: Congress creates the Bill and the President signs it into law. The Presidents job from that point on is to enforce the law.
Nowhere in the Constitution are you given the right to speak longer than anyone else in the room just because you are President. Nowhere in the Constitution are you given rights that put you and the government above the wishes of the majority of the people of the United States. Just who do you think you are? Nothing more than some politico that was elected at a time when people were looking for some change from George Bush, and you promised that change. But what are we seeing from you? The arrogance of someone who actually believes that he is superior to those around him, and worse yet, thinks he knows what is best for those around him and for the country at large. You are wrong!
Mr. President, you do not have any rights above anyone else in this country, whether politicians of an opposing Party or the taxi driver in New York or the businessman in Texas or the baker in San Francisco. Just where in the Constitution is it written that the President can write law? It sickens me to see the blatant abuse of what Mr. Obama perceives as his rights to dictate to the attendees of the meeting. Mr. Obama, these people represent us, the people of this great country, and they are your equals under the law, and all of you work for us. We are the boss of the show, not you. Your job is to sign Bills that Congress creates, and if there was a line item veto available to you and you changed any part of the Bill both the House and Senate would have to approve your changes. It is called checks and balances to prevent this country from becoming a dictatorship.
Mr. President, when you interrupted Representative Cantor, who was holding up the huge monstrosity of a Bill and talking about specific concerns of his constituents, and told him it was nice he brought props to the meeting but props are not helpful, I had to laugh out loud. The Bill is a prop? Perhaps to you it is but not to the majority of concerned taxpayers in this country and their children and grandchildren.
The final question that I have to ask is why are you not addressing the economic situation in this country, something that the majority of the people in this country are concerned about? The longer you postpone addressing this issue and continue along the path of forcing a health care bill on all of us the less likely you are to be re-elected. This holds true for the other members of Congress as well. What are you all thinking? Are you all really so immersed in your Socialist values that you will do anything, including hinder your own careers, to have universal health care?
On the other hand perhaps it is for the best for the economy if you do not try to ‘fix’ things the way you have at General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The economy will roll along gradually fixing itself without ‘stimulus’ funds, and the companies that are solvent will survive and the ones that are not will go under. That is the way of healthy economies….
So I guess a thank you is in order to you, Mr. President, for staying out of the way when it comes to the important stuff!
Nowhere in the Constitution are you given the right to speak longer than anyone else in the room just because you are President. Nowhere in the Constitution are you given rights that put you and the government above the wishes of the majority of the people of the United States. Just who do you think you are? Nothing more than some politico that was elected at a time when people were looking for some change from George Bush, and you promised that change. But what are we seeing from you? The arrogance of someone who actually believes that he is superior to those around him, and worse yet, thinks he knows what is best for those around him and for the country at large. You are wrong!
Mr. President, you do not have any rights above anyone else in this country, whether politicians of an opposing Party or the taxi driver in New York or the businessman in Texas or the baker in San Francisco. Just where in the Constitution is it written that the President can write law? It sickens me to see the blatant abuse of what Mr. Obama perceives as his rights to dictate to the attendees of the meeting. Mr. Obama, these people represent us, the people of this great country, and they are your equals under the law, and all of you work for us. We are the boss of the show, not you. Your job is to sign Bills that Congress creates, and if there was a line item veto available to you and you changed any part of the Bill both the House and Senate would have to approve your changes. It is called checks and balances to prevent this country from becoming a dictatorship.
Mr. President, when you interrupted Representative Cantor, who was holding up the huge monstrosity of a Bill and talking about specific concerns of his constituents, and told him it was nice he brought props to the meeting but props are not helpful, I had to laugh out loud. The Bill is a prop? Perhaps to you it is but not to the majority of concerned taxpayers in this country and their children and grandchildren.
The final question that I have to ask is why are you not addressing the economic situation in this country, something that the majority of the people in this country are concerned about? The longer you postpone addressing this issue and continue along the path of forcing a health care bill on all of us the less likely you are to be re-elected. This holds true for the other members of Congress as well. What are you all thinking? Are you all really so immersed in your Socialist values that you will do anything, including hinder your own careers, to have universal health care?
On the other hand perhaps it is for the best for the economy if you do not try to ‘fix’ things the way you have at General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The economy will roll along gradually fixing itself without ‘stimulus’ funds, and the companies that are solvent will survive and the ones that are not will go under. That is the way of healthy economies….
So I guess a thank you is in order to you, Mr. President, for staying out of the way when it comes to the important stuff!
And in the same vein a special mention has to be made to Senator Barbara Boxer, who was talking to a group of Senators and referred to We the People as, and I quote, “Our people.” She also needs to read the Constitution and see just who runs the show in the United States. Since she is down in the polls for re-election I would say she should read the Constitution a couple of times.
And in the same vein a special mention has to be made to Senator Barbara Boxer, who was talking to a group of Senators and referred to We the People as, and I quote, “Our people.” She also needs to read the Constitution and see just who runs the show in the United States. Since she is down in the polls for re-election I would say she should read the Constitution a couple of times.